Vinny Lingham Gets Cornered Over Civic in the WCN Stream

On the occasion of Bitcoin reaching All Time High, WCN organised a stream with some popular bitcoiners such as Vortex, Vinny Lingham, Richard Hart, John Carvalho, Gabriel Dvine and Renegade Investor. The main topic didn’t include discussion about Civic, however it drifted towards issues with Civic when John started questioning Vinny about the use cases of Civic.

What is Civic?

Civic is a blockchain product that allows low cost and secure identity verification via the blockchain. Civic held a token sale in June this year which was highly anticipated and raised the full amount that they needed. Subsequently, Civic was launched on bittrex and got a lot of attention and price reached a further high. Vinny Lingham, who is well known as an investor on the Shark Tank South Africa, is the CEO of Civic. Since Vinny has been involved in many startups, people have a lot of confidence in Civic.

Issues raised in the WCN stream

When WCN stream started to discuss ICO and the SEC involvement, it quickly drifted towards CVC tokens since Vinny was on the panel and has done ICO for his CVC tokens. The main issue that was raised by the panel was that the product is anti people and gives government more power in terrible regimes. The other issues included faking a Civic identity and fooling the system. Many more questions were raised on even the need of Civic and why same cant be done on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Vinny tried to defend Civic in every possible way. He explained how people who vote in Africa can safely vote by voting from home with Civic without the fear of getting shot down while going to booths. He also explained how Civic can be beneficial in only providing the required information to service providers and not sharing the whole license card or any other document with complete information. But as he went on his views started becoming vague and the discussion was not going in any direction.

After a long discussion, Vortex intervened as the conversation was starting to become hostile and the time was also running out. Vortex appreciated Vinny and showed faith in this technology by saying that Vinny might not have answer to every problem right now but as the time will go on, solutions will be found. Thats how world works.


WCN continues to provide best of the streams in the crypto network. We appreciate Vinny for the participation in the stream and would love to see him again. If you would like to support the WCN network, you can go subscribe to their channel at youtube.

Let us know what you feel about Civic and how beneficial do you think it is.

Recorded Stream :

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Shivam Chawla

Following CryptoCurrencies since 2013. If you like my articles, follow me at

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